The TCI Group
Manufacturing and Distribution
real Estate
TV and Broadcasting

TCI Group

1 Lansdowne Place
17 Holdenhurst Road

T: 44 (0)1202 316613

F: 44 (0)1202 316444


IraqNorthern IrelandSpainTurkeyUkraineUSA


Spring 2003 saw the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime by the Allied forces. Despite the war being relatively short, the destruction of buildings and infrastructure was massive. It left the country with no airports, hospitals, electricity, water or sewage system. This compounded 30 years of neglect by the ruling Baath Party. The result required a reconstruction programme totally unrivalled in any civilised society.

TCI wasted no time in entering the country and setting up offices, using its already established links with the like of the Sabah Group, Mavi Kok companies and the Chaderchi family. The Chaderchis were an influential family before the existing regime and built much of the road infrastructure over the last 60 years. They were well regarded not only in Iraq but had international partners such as Bovis and Pirelli. TCI have in turn established numerous joint ventures within the family and with other local business people, covering an extensive skill and knowledge base. Heavy investment has been made in equipping, training and establishing a large workforce. We have made it a priority to assist the local people in making the best of their skills and at the same time teach them proper procedure, accountancy, modern business practice, current techniques and FAR compliance.

Currently our partnerships are actively involved with the ministries, City of Baghdad and oil fields. Our activities vary from import and export of goods to the rebuilding of the Ministry of Transport building in the centre of Baghdad.

It is important to note that although we have in the region of 150 local employees in our business activities, TCI does not solely run each organisation. We rely heavily on our major shareholding Iraqi partners and the management structures we have put in place, utilising local people. TCI’s contribution, apart from finance, has been to set up European-style business structures, training, technical advice and product or equipment procurement.

With major contracts now being agreed and issued to prime contractors, again TCI have invested and are geared up for a wide range of work. We have formed strategic alliances with companies like Yuksel Holding Group. This gives us the capacity and expertise to tender for water and sewage infrastructure, airports, civil engineering projects and hospital contracts.

In addition TCI, in partnership with Iraqis, now have two fully functioning asphalt plants and associated road building machinery, serviced by our own quarries. All this in addition to our core bricks and mortar building and construction businesses.

Asphalt Plant

Baghdad - Ministry of Transport Building